A Happening is Happening

Good day, blog readers and supporters of poetry, art, and the expression of life. I’m writing to let everybody know. I will be hosting a poetry event once a month at a local great restaurant in the town where I reside and love. This is going to be awesome, and it feels great to beContinue reading “A Happening is Happening”

Out There

it’s a circus out there, circling in certain circuits of cyclic cyclones under the big top of bubbles and tulips bursting in tantric beauties swirling in, and swinging around the streams of seas and shores of systems that help and heed a hare in leading the haunting of houses keep the keys locked in, ifContinue reading “Out There”

V into the V

my Voice is Vexed my Soul is Vivisected into Venture that is Voiceless and Vicarious a Vow of the Voyeur has Vanished with the Voyage, away from the Village of Ventriloquists the Value of the Vision is a way to View the Void in a Victorious way as the Video is vengeful to the VideoContinue reading “V into the V”

It Became

And I listened with all my sense at Once it became Overwhelmingly Optical, it became Oscillating, it became Operating, it became Over and Done, it became Over the hill, it became Open, it was Occasionally Occupied by the Opal, it became Obviously Obsidian, it was Observed, it was Oblivious, it became Oppressive, it became OppositeContinue reading “It Became”