V into the V

my Voice is Vexed

my Soul is Vivisected into Venture that is Voiceless and Vicarious

a Vow of the Voyeur has Vanished with the Voyage, away from the Village of Ventriloquists

the Value of the Vision is a way to View the Void in a Victorious way

as the Video is vengeful to the Video cassette and what it Vomits out of the Vertebrates of the Victims, Viewing such Vulgarity

Vaporize the Venting of the Vocal Visuals that Visibly Ventilate the Volcanoes that Voice the Viceroy of Mt Vesuvius

there is a Virus in the Vicinity of the Vicar and Venom in the Vowel, where the Vipers Vigil is Voted for the best Verse on Vinyl

oh, sweet Vanity and Vane, Vibrating the Vine of the Veil of the Vesper

Volumes of Velvet and Velour will leave Voodoo Vacant and starving for Vexation in the Vortex

Published by Memoirs of a Moustache

a Beatnik walking the streets and occupying cafes to watch and read people in reality. coffee lover. poetry reading host. activist for literature. a lover of life and its surrealism

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