A Happening is Happening

Good day, blog readers and supporters of poetry, art, and the expression of life. I’m writing to let everybody know. I will be hosting a poetry event once a month at a local great restaurant in the town where I reside and love. This is going to be awesome, and it feels great to beContinue reading “A Happening is Happening”

Algonquin Pt 5

A regale pup, Balanced, posed in a canoe a proud Holder paddles away in a direction not to sure, no true destination but with out hesitation Swift and Regale That is their name The Border Collie is not a Beagle A ginger in the sun, No Shame How can there be such focus on theContinue reading “Algonquin Pt 5”

Face and mask

The Original Face The Death Mask None hold any mistakes Once was before Once was after In which how many times shall we be born With the response of how many times shall we die Seeking and passing Holding and posturing In a journey towards enlightenment It must be seen in of both the OriginalContinue reading “Face and mask”