How to Write a Poem

How do you Write a Poem?

(what shall be written down by pen on parcment?)

the harmonious unison of man and nature

Should it be Funny, sweet, saracastic, sad, Pandering, Condescending or just plain boring?

the spontanus overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility

(do you let the ink spill out on the paper, or posture the pen in a perfect laditude?)

Painting with the gift of speech

Should the reader be enraptured by Laughter, shyly Ticlked pink, met with Confusion, rendered Tearful, beautifully insulted or have them just Snoring?

the best words in the best order

(Lounging in their well upholstered chairs?)

the journals of a sea animal living on land, waiting to fly in the air

How long is too long?
is there a measured metered rhyme?
a planned rythym in a garland of time?
is it possible to write a stanza, forging the best words in their best order
a cadenced repeated once after twice after thrice in a heroic alliteration

can an audience sit, falling in love and enticed by the magic that is the lexicon, forming from the muse, that nightngale who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.

(am I talking to myself, am I talking to ones self? Are the bards of old painting my soul? is this in my head, its all in my head, so there is no reason to explain, oh the pain that is, insanity as I’m writing the same odes, the same sonnets, bursting at the margins over and over and over again, as the pen starts to dry up )

the limericks of the imagainations

is it working? (I can’t tell)

a sweet ballad recited on the darkest of seas

these insecurities, hopefully they won’t spill out

oh, who love, who feel great truths and tell them

the voices, 14 voices all in the head keep rambling in sequence theres no leaving them behind

dead men tell no tales, unless they scratch them down with their dying breath

(I can only relief them on a page, leaving the words, naked and open, bearing the marks of a scattered conscience)

spinning memoirs

sitting in the corner of a room

(don’t look)

once you look, it will all disappear

the shadows in the minds antipods

(focus, here on me, the page that lays infront of you,

where the pen is mightioer then the rose

(so many voices, which one to give into?)

is this all a dream?, a fiction of friction form the angels and what they have deemed insanity

(well, I hope the corwd will call it genius)

there, a musical thought lingering in the air

grapple at it, pull it down and with passion lay in on the page

that might start the process of setting in print, composing, hollowing out ones mind in discourse, to find verse, to spring fourth in chorus, and get burned by the fire of genuis

this is How you Write a Poem

Linguistics Aperture

The Rule and Pattern of speech
Absurd and Rambling, with a Falsetto Hawking Voice
the Syntax Structures
Words in Order, Holding Fourth without Interruption
Cutting, Editing, Phrase Structures, Towering on the Tongue
Form Functioning Unity, Blasting off into the Hamlet
with Direct Indirect Nouns, Throwing Verbs after Punctuations
Empty Adverbs, Fulfilling Mannerisms
Adjectives in Choosing Vulgarisms
Style and Manner, in Soapbox Lecturing’s
Polished Rhetoric Interject Auxiliary Pronouns
Madness Ensues, for the Chalk Talker
the Diction Eases into Expressions
Attic Quality, an Addicts Profanity
Asterisks Surrounded by Double Daggered Quotation Marks
it can be Free form Held by One Catchword
Gripping the Listeners Orifice
a Homophone Morphs an Inflection on the Next Page
Clipped Words out of a Magazine for a Theme like a Serial Killers Dream
Essay, Creating an Alias using Vocabulary Construction
a way of Speaking or Neo logical Idioms Float with Identity
within Oral Communications Tasting the Euphemism Conjunctions
Christian names, Pseudonyms or Pen Names
Bring an end to the Mirror of the Soul
a Dash or Slash of the Silver Pointed Quill
Leaves an Active Exclamation Mark

Hammer to Thumb

Today, I smashed my Thumb
Today, I knelt on a roof, Fighting Tooth and Nail, I mean Hammer and Thumb
10 feet above the ground at a pitch of 9/12
Nailing down shingles
Erecting a monolith
Drudging through the day

then my Thumb got in the way
20oz of stiletto steel
driven downward by my own left hand
betraying my right hand
Nailing flesh to tar
working my fingers to the Bone

a resulting pause in work
embracing the throbbing Thumb, staring, silent and pensive
‘will this isn’t the first time, and it wont be the last’
after the first Collison from hammer to Thumb
I start keeping track of how many times my Thumb feels the wrath of the hammer
for every bundle of shingles, which holds 21 shingles
my Thumb takes a nice hit
not a bad ratio 1/21 on a pitch of 9/12

oh, the sweet consequence of rolling up my sleeves
reminding me that “The Spirit is willing but the flesh is Bruised and Spongey”
Well, onward as a practitioner of Labouring through the grind

Steps to Emerson

Found Faith through Sin
Broke the Alabaster vase to find Pandora sitting in the Lotus position

The box is shattered
The scars are reformed
The ships mast is battered
The map mended after it was torn
The sun burst forth
The snow fell silent
The heart found its course
The mighty found its highland
The journey starts at the door
The finding of peace
revealing there is no score
The stain glass shimmers
The dew of the grass glimmers
With each step beauty flickers
With a flame of enchanted glory
Each step progresses the story

From out of exile moves the hand
Within the wilderness a monolith stands
To render the knowledge of all that was
Into the presence of now, a blessed cause
For now the heart has a beat
In the feet pulses the heat
on such a journey through decrepit streets
The feeling of a blemish that once was
Is now the hounds, biting the heel
Looking back starts the path to hell
As it is custom to feel
the regret that lives in the past
Now must be broken by blade of steal

For the past holds no power
As The journey starts moving forward
There is no time to sit, a cower
It is time to push onward
Plant another seed
Grow another flower
Muse with the tree
Build a new tower
Catch for us the fox
Construct a new box
Embrace a fresh alabaster vase
Fight for another case
When in need of rest
Look towards grace

A Life in Journey, is occupied through Pandora Within Conscientious of the Alabaster Vase, in Faith Conquered Sin

In full Circle

Yesterday was a Bird in the Hand
Today is a Finger in the Pie
Tomorrow is a Beauty chased by Tragic laughter
Happened stance through a Glad Eye

the Future of Tomorrow shall hold the influence of Today
Yesterday can linger there’s no advantage to dwell and Stay
a Pendulum swings from “The White Radiance of Eternity” to “The Fabulous Formless Darkness”

in Full Circle
Yesterdays Vibraties into Today, Pulsateing into Tomorrow

a Time of feeling like your burning from both ends

Yesterday brings motion to Today exploding into Tomorrow
Dance in the Credence of the many Coloured Glass
Enjoy all of Life and what it Calls for
it Shall not Last


in the Paramount of Life
may a Pinnacle and Capstone succeed you as a Coat of Arms
may you make a Noise in the World
and be Crowned with a Feather in your Cap
may you in the Astonishment of Life
Hold your Breath
and in those Moments use the Crown as a work of Reference

with the Poets crown of Bays
may the words Spill and Splash the pages like a Waterfall

with the Lovers crown of Myrtle
may you Adorn her with the Gazing of Admiration

with the Clowns crown of Rose Garland
may you Laugh Steadly and Dance in Bliss

be Alive as you Letter, Love and Laugh
when you put a Lid on the Can you Kick
remember to Leave your Crowns for the next Kings and Queens

Heart in Hand

I despair, I lost you
Lost in Translation
Love Language, Words, Touching, Giving, Affirmed,
Dancing on the base of flesh meeting soul

the Page was Blank
Scrolled, Elegantly, Your Name
Cascading Down the Margins
with Hand in Heart
Heart in Hand

My Mind was Blank
Kissed, Passionately, Your Lips
Captivated, Up, The Essence
as Heart in Hand
Hand in Heart

Morning Eclipse

as the Morning Arrives

Looking through the window
the Trees Leaves are Green and Radient

Looking down into the mug
the Coffee is Dark and Enticing

Bringing the Coffee to my Lips
the Taste is Eclipsing and Awakening

Watching out the Window my Eyes are Enraptured and Excited

as the Morning Arrives

I am overwhelmed by the Joy of Existence
a Cavalcade of Beauty
a Cluster of Songs
a Colliage of Creation
a Charge of Love

as the Morning Arrives
the Day will be Deep with Meaning
yes, the Coffee will run dry
the Sun will bake the leaves
Barring that
the Beauty and Joy will Eclipse through Existence